Portfolio Update – February 2019

Hello fellow wealth seekers.

The short month of February has come to an end, at it is now time for my second portfolio update of my All Seasons Portfolio. The fact that I am already on my second post, is a huge sign for myself that I am actually doing this project and that I am committing to keep sharing my investment experiences. Should be easier for each month as we will be setting the structure more and more.

Anyway, the cold month of February is behind as, thankfully, as my hometown Stockholm is a very cold place this time of year. Perhaps I should use my investments to retire to a warm country one day once I am financially free? Not that it will happen the next few years anyway, as I am just getting started here.

What have I done in February?

As you may already be familiar, the first step towards managing a All Seasons Portfolio is to buy the different asset types that the portfolio is built on.

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Portfolio Update – January 2019 – And how much to invest per month

2018 has come to an end, and I am very excited for 2019, now that I am beginning to implement my All Seasons Portfolio from scratch. During January, I have made my first investment, and can also share one lesson of this experience which teaches the value of diversification and investing in index funds. Let's also take a moment to think about how to invest if you can only spare small sums each month. But more on that further down in this article. Let's begin with my first investment.

When starting to implement a portfolio strategy containing several assets, it may appear a challenge to decide where to begin - i.e. which asset to buy first. When making additional purchases down the road when the portfolio is up and running is more straight forward, but how to make that first purchase?

So, I am looking to have portfolio split into the pie chart here below, containing intermediate-term and long-term government bonds, stocks, corporate bonds, gold and commodities. In the long run, it will not matter where to begin, as the most important part of investing is getting started.

Continue ReadingPortfolio Update – January 2019 – And how much to invest per month

Getting started with the All Seasons Portfolio

So excited to get this project of mine started and to be honest, I have been looking forward for a while to write this first blog post, and I am slightly nervous about it too. It is Christmas time 2018 when I begin to write this and am embarking on this journey to start my own All Seasons Portfolio from scratch, and to help as many as possible with starting to save and to invest, I will share my journey to try to inspire, educate, and hopefully, get you started as well on switching your spending habits or non-interest bearing bank accounts to accumulating enough wealth to feel secure.

You may have been spending Christmas traveling to relatives or setting up for the holidays at your own home, I have spent this time with my family as well, but escaped a few hours to look into how to put the All Seasons Portfolio into practice, but I'll come to that slightly further below. The weekend 22-23 December has been amazing to take a break from the day job and finding new inspiration - the extra days off during Christmas are great for just such a purpose. Try it out next time yourself to find new ways of improving yourself.

I first came across the All Seasons Portfolio from Tony Robbins' book Money Master the Game (where, to be honest, most readers first encounter this investment strategy), where Ray Dalio elaborates how his jaw-droppingly successful asset management firm, Bridgewater Associates, manages their Pure Alpha fund.

Continue ReadingGetting started with the All Seasons Portfolio