Here I list useful content on several topics across different areas such as risk parity investing, the All Seasons Portfolio strategy, personal finance, and asset classes. This page will serve you as a good place to start your further education in risk balanced investing and my intent is to facilitate your journey by guiding you to relevant resources, both from this blog and from handpicked external sites.

Risk Parity Fundamentals


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All Seasons Portfolio

  • Getting started with the All Seasons Portfolio (Introduction to the strategy and brief summary on how to start)
  • Strategic rebalancing (About rebalancing as a concept and how returns can be enhanced by adding strategic measures such as rebalancing spans and trend indicators)
  • The value of currency hedging (Want to avoid currency risk when investing? FX rates could caused greater fluctuations in your portfolio than you wished for, and will sometimes add to your gains and sometimes lower your returns. At times you could take active bets on changes in FX rates, but if you want to neutralize this effect on your portfolio [e.g. to limit the tracking error with your neighbor] this post explores the effect of selecting currency hedged ETFs from an European investor’s perspective.)
  • Considering “convex return profiles” when diversifying (How to make sure that the assets you add to a portfolio really help against drawdowns, by making sure that the return profiles of two compared assets is convex (a smiling face), so that the diversifying asset actually performs well when another asset experiences a greater drawdown.)
  • 2020 Year in Review – Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste (Three key lessons summarized from the eventful pandemic year of 2020 and the value of investing using risk parity strategies such as the All Seasons Portfolio strategy. The ASP added stability through the year and had a much shallower drawdown than stocks in March, as shown in several charts included in the post.)

Asset Classes

The Behavioural Side of Investing

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Macroeconomical Considerations for Investing

  • The Impact of Interest Rate Risk on asset prices (How changes in the cash rate, a.k.a. the discount rate adversely affects valuations of risky assets such as stocks and bonds)
  • How Roll Yield Influences Bond ETF Performance In Rising Yield Environments (In an environment of rising yields, bond ETF performance is positively skewed thanks to the held bonds travelling across the yield curve to a shorter remaining maturity before being rolled)
  • Indicators of an Overvalued Stock Market and What You Can Do About It (Post from May 2021 about how the Shiller’s CAPE ratio (Cyclically Adjusted Price-to-Earnings) is at a historically high level [and has been for a decade] which implies that future expected returns for the stock market should be much lower over the next decade compared to what they have been. This article explores why diversification and risk parity may be a viable option.)
  • Different Types of Inflation and What Assets Protect Against Each (Inflation comes in many forms, and gold is not a universal hedge. Instead, a portfolio should include a combination of Commodities, Gold, and Inflation-Linked Bonds that protect against inflation caused by increases in monetary supply, cost-push inflation, and demand-pull inflation.)
  • What is Dynamic Risk Allocation? (Dynamic Risk Allocation is a temporary tactical shift in risk allocation where the investor can dynamically allocate more risk to certain assets at the expense of other assets. This is usually done in connection to expected shifts in environments. Therefore, when used right, DRA can improve the overall risk-adjusted return of the total portfolio.)