The Volatility Analyzer spreadsheet is a useful tool to better understand the trend in volatility of the assets in your chosen portfolio. The sheet also includes a Portfolio Optimizer built on Inverse Volatility principles, meaning that it constructs an optimal portfolio which weighs the assets inversely based on their relative volatility. Hence, an asset with higher volatility receives a lower…
The Advanced Portfolio Tracker is a powerful Google Spreadsheets tool for effective tracking of your performance. The main functions of the Advanced Portfolio Tracker have the following main attributes: i) Portfolio tracker with portfolio correlation/covariance matrix ii) Transaction tracking (buy/sell/dividend) iii) Personal finance dashboard with key data of your portfolio’s performance iv) An economic dashboard With this powerful dashboard, you…
Keep track of your portfolio and get signals of when it is time to rebalance it with this easy-to-use tool. This Google Spreadsheet file allows you to keep track of a portfolio with support of up to 10 assets. Get key details of your portfolio such as volatility, covariance matrix, Sharpe ratio, and expected return for the past 12 months.…
The Portfolio Tracker Simplified Lite is a useful resource for easily tracking a portfolio of up to 10 assets. With this Google Spreadsheet you get: Reminders and suggestions for rebalancing your portfolio based on divergence sensitivity of your choice (how much holdings may deviate from your aimed allocation) Suggestions of where to allocate monthly savings Key performance data of your…